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#1 2007-01-26 21:36:28

Registered: 2006-04-03
Posts: 46

Email alert for new or modified knowledge base articles

Hello again!

Our team is distributed on several rooms, so sometimes info doesn't flow so easily as we would like.

Sometimes someone add an article to the KB, or someone modifies something and that info is not known by the other people that could be interested on it.

I think it would be nice having a way to notify a group of people when an article is added or modified, maybe with an email alert, configurable in a similar way that the tickets alert are.

Thank you,

GLPI 0.70, Linux Fedora 4, Apache/2.2.0 (Unix), PHP/4.4.1,  MySQL 5.0.18


#2 2007-02-01 21:21:35

Registered: 2006-04-03
Posts: 46

Re: Email alert for new or modified knowledge base articles


I thought this feature would be interesting to more people, but I see that nobody likes it. Sob. :-)

So,  to all the forum people, how do you deal with the communication of new articles or changes in the KB? Is there an option and I haven't found it? Do you send an email on each change?

I thank in advance all the clues.


GLPI 0.70, Linux Fedora 4, Apache/2.2.0 (Unix), PHP/4.4.1,  MySQL 5.0.18


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