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Hi all, and THANKS for this great piece of software!
- newbie questions -
my config: apache2/php5/mysql5 on a centos4 vm, ocs (4020) + glpi 0.68.2.
ldap config *should* be fine, when a domain user logs into glpi for the first time its user data like phone, dept, etc is saved in glpi's user base, and my AD (win2k upgraded from nt4 many years ago) has no groups, no OU (ok, my bad), nothing, just a plain simple active directory with ~60 user accounts.
problem: every machine is correctly imported from ocs and synced, but the username field in the computer inventory is always [nobody], resulting no user has hardware available.
possible reasons:
- no OU are defined (i read TFM and an OU IS a requirement indeed..) and glpi cannot read what is imported from ocs to map user to machines? weird.. or:
- at the time of the importation no users had logged on at least one time to create the profile, so the link username <--> machine_where_the_user_is_logged couldn't be created at first? - tried with an existing AD account present into glpi userbase, then added its pc via ocs import, but still nothing. or:
- this feature doesn't exist yet, current user logged on isn't imported from ocs, have to fill it by hand and rewrite when a user leaves..
- ?
thanks for your kind answers, babelfish didn't help much on finding an answer around here.
how is working ocs agent ?
in ocs, is there a "user" in the "all computer" inventory field ?
Plateforme :
OS : Windows 2003 Sp1 / logiciel de décompactage : Winzip / Navigateurs : Internet Explorer 6sp1 / firefox 1.5
Installation : Package Ocs NG RC3 - XAMPP version 1.5.1
Serveur : Apache 2.0.55 / Base : 5.0.18-nt / Langage : PHP 5.1.1 / PhpMyAdmin 2.7.0-pl1
jm.cierniewski, thanks for replying.
ocs is working in service mode and yes, listing all computers inventory ocs shows me pc1/userX/cpu/etc, pc2/userY/cpu/etc and so on, so far it seems like data is collected the right way from ocs.
well, using the script posted here (big THANKS Martialc!!) --> … 727#p27727 and removing all inventoried machines and then importing'em back via ocs import, was just PERFECT, apart from not all users were imported from AD, but that's a minor issue i don't care atm.
ok, all users were not imported because of some empty name/surname into AD account.
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