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I'm new to using Active driectory/LDAP and GLPI.
I've installed GLPI and OCS onto my SBS2003 system, all works well, I've enabled LDAP in PHP.ini, but I'm not sure what to put in the config for External Authentication.
My users are under the default OU of "SBSUsers".
Also, once I've updated the Ext. Auth screen, do I need to add a group or something?
GLPI 0.83.91/CENTOS5 - OCS 1.01/Win2003
read the doc first here :
MoYo - Julien Dombre - Association INDEPNET
Contribute to GLPI : Support Contribute References Freshmeat
Hi MoYo,
Thanks for that... I did find the french version and babelfish'd it to English. I've managed to get basic authentication working now, so when new users login, they authenticate to the domain.
Two things though:
1) Adding users "from an external source" under the Add Users page doesn't seem to do anything. Should I just enter the logon name of the user?
2) I'm still not sure how groups are used, or how to automatically add users to a certain group.
GLPI 0.83.91/CENTOS5 - OCS 1.01/Win2003
1) Adding users "from an external source" under the Add Users page doesn't seem to do anything. Should I just enter the logon name of the user?
For use it, you must have in your baseDN, an OU.
example : OU=members,DC=enterprise,DC=fr
And you add a user with his login and he is added in glpi with his fields email etc.. (if glpi find him)
Xavier Caillaud
Blog GLPI Infotel
Yeah.. I set the basedn to "OU=SBSUsers,OU=Users,OU=MyBusiness,DC=<companyname>,DC=local"
I can login as a domain user, but when I try to use "from an external source", and click Add (from glpi/front/user.form.php?new=1&ext_auth=1), I just get the "Add user" screen again, and no new-user is added to the user list (Question: After I click "Add user", should I see a confirmation screen or just the "Add user" screen again?)
Also - it doesn't seem to be setting the users Phone #, givenName, etc (I used adsiedit to discover these), when they login for the first time.
Is there any debug I can look at ? Logs etc ?
GLPI 0.83.91/CENTOS5 - OCS 1.01/Win2003
Also - it doesn't seem to be setting the users Phone #, givenName, etc (I used adsiedit to discover these), when they login for the first time.
Is there any debug I can look at ? Logs etc ?
If you cannot import fields when users login, Adding users "from an external source" cannot do it.
write your configuration LDAP here
Xavier Caillaud
Blog GLPI Infotel
LDAP Host: ldap://localhost
Basedn: OU=SBSUsers,OU=Users,OU=MyBusiness,DC=company,DC=local
pass: <password>
Connection filter: (&(objectClass=user)(objectCategory=person))
login : uid
TLS: no
groups: (not sure what to put):
type: In users
blank for everything else
realname = cn
blank for others
Heres a dump of the LDIF for my account : using LDAP Browser on OU=SBSUsers,OU=Users,OU=MyBusiness,DC=company,DC=local
dn: CN=Adrian Marsh, OU=SBSUsers, OU=Users, OU=MyBusiness, DC=company,DC=lo
objectCategory: CN=Person,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=company,DC=local
whenCreated: 20060712183151.0Z
badPwdCount: 0
mDBUseDefaults: TRUE
codePage: 0
scriptPath: SBS_LOGIN_SCRIPT.bat
objectGUID:: 77+9SGTvv73vv71w77+9RO+/ve+/vVU177+977+9We+/vQ==
adminCount: 1
msExchUserAccountControl: 0
msExchMailboxSecurityDescriptor:: AQAE77+9eAAAAO+/vQAAAAAAAAAUAAAABABkAAEAAAA
msExchALObjectVersion: 80
managedObjects: DC=company,DC=local
memberOf: CN=Remote Web Workplace Users,OU=Security Groups,OU=MyBusiness,DC=u
memberOf: CN=Mobile Users,OU=Security Groups,OU=MyBusiness,DC=company,DC=lo
memberOf: CN=DnsAdmins,CN=Users,DC=company,DC=local
memberOf: CN=Server Operators,CN=Builtin,DC=company,DC=local
memberOf: CN=Domain Admins,CN=Users,DC=company,DC=local
memberOf: CN=Enterprise Admins,CN=Users,DC=company,DC=local
memberOf: CN=Schema Admins,CN=Users,DC=company,DC=local
msExchMailboxGuid:: 77+977+977+9LyEW77+9Te+/vVc8LO+/vQ==
instanceType: 4
msExchPoliciesIncluded: {ED071E47-00E0-4A04-89C5-1D9758969AC2},{26491CFC-9E50
objectSid:: AQUAAAAAAAUVAAAA77+9MzsvBHLvv73vv70S77+977+9fnwFAAA=
badPasswordTime: 128011779921278871
proxyAddresses: X400:c=US;a= ;p=First Organizati;o=Exchange;s=Marsh;g=Adrian;
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: user
name: Adrian Marsh
description: Administrator
sn: Marsh
telephoneNumber: 01793
userAccountControl: 512
primaryGroupID: 513
accountExpires: 9223372036854775807
lastLogon: 128012664703163458
lastLogoff: 0
uSNChanged: 246423
cn: Adrian Marsh
textEncodedORAddress: c=US;a= ;p=First Organizati;o=Exchange;s=Marsh;g=Adrian
logonCount: 201
msExchHomeServerName: /o=First Organization/ou=first administrative group/cn=
extensionName: 5717D53E-DD6D-4d1e-8A1F-C7BE620F65AA
homeMTA: CN=Microsoft MTA,CN=UBIQ-SERV1,CN=Servers,CN=first administrative gr
oup,CN=Administrative Groups,CN=First Organization,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=
sAMAccountType: 805306368
legacyExchangeDN: /o=First Organization/ou=first administrative group/cn=Reci
givenName: Adrian
uSNCreated: 222427
displayName: Adrian Marsh
userPrincipalName: marsh@company.local
pwdLastSet: 128004827929329221
whenChanged: 20060828192939.0Z
lastLogonTimestamp: 128003956263610539
countryCode: 0
mailNickname: marsh
distinguishedName: CN=Adrian Marsh,OU=SBSUsers,OU=Users,OU=MyBusiness,DC=ubiq
homeMDB: CN=Mailbox Store (UBIQ-SERV1),CN=First Storage Group,CN=InformationS
tore,CN=UBIQ-SERV1,CN=Servers,CN=first administrative group,CN=Administrativ
e Groups,CN=First Organization,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configur
showInAddressBook: CN=Default Global Address List,CN=All Global Address Lists
,CN=Address Lists Container,CN=First Organization,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=S
showInAddressBook: CN=All Users,CN=All Address Lists,CN=Address Lists Contain
er,CN=First Organization,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,
sAMAccountName: marsh
GLPI 0.83.91/CENTOS5 - OCS 1.01/Win2003
BaseDN : OU=MyBusiness,DC=company,DC=local
login : samaccountname
realname : sn
test this for import fields plz
Xavier Caillaud
Blog GLPI Infotel
Thats better.. Adding Users manually worked with that... but I changed sn back to cn to get the real name.
Whats the diff between MyBusiness and SBSUsers then ? Or would it of been samaccountname vs uid ?
I now get login, realname and email, but oddly not phone number.
How does this tie into the Groups usage though?
GLPI 0.83.91/CENTOS5 - OCS 1.01/Win2003
Whats the diff between MyBusiness and SBSUsers then ?
None but you must have at last one OU in your Basedn
Or would it of been samaccountname vs uid ?
samaccountname : AD
uid : ldap
How does this tie into the Groups usage though?
On setup, External authentifications you choose :
Search type : In users
User attribute containing its groups : memberof
You create a group in glpi and you indicate his rootdn (CN=Group1,OU=Groups,DC=enterprise,DC=com)
And when a user connect to glpi, he is imported in this group
Xavier Caillaud
Blog GLPI Infotel
you can participate with
Xavier Caillaud
Blog GLPI Infotel
Hmm.. To try it out I put "OU=MyBusiness,DC=company,DC=local" into LDAP Value, and logged in a new user, but didn't get them added to the group... I also tried Group DN too, but it still didn't work.
GLPI 0.83.91/CENTOS5 - OCS 1.01/Win2003
I'm still working on the groups, but I found that AD/GLPI is case-sensitive. Even though ADSIedit shows "telephoneNumber" as the field name, I have to enter it as "telephonenumber" into GLPI for it to work...
GLPI 0.83.91/CENTOS5 - OCS 1.01/Win2003
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