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Seems, that SLA rule criterias does not work properly.
For example:
Criterion - Responsible
Condition - does not exist
Is always false.
Condition "exists" is always true
Regex conditions seems to have always some letters in Responsible variable.
Same conditions under business rules worked as expected.
With best regards,
There are also something wrong with SLA criterion form.
If i click on the criterion name to edit it, i get the following error messsage:
Fatal error: Class 'PluginFusioninventoryInventoryRuleImport' not found in /var/webapps/glpi/inc/commondbconnexity.class.php on line 291 Call Stack: 0.0002 656504 1. {main}() /var/webapps/glpi/ajax/viewsubitem.php:0 0.0314 8579624 2. RuleCriteria->showForm($ID = '71', $options = array ('parent' => class SlaLevel { protected $rules_id_field = 'slalevels_id'; protected $ruleactionclass = 'SlaLevelAction'; protected $rulecriteriaclass = 'SlaLevelCriteria'; public $can_sort = TRUE; public $dohistory = TRUE; public $actions = array (...); public $criterias = array (...); public $orderby = 'ranking'; public $restrict_matching = FALSE; public $specific_parameters = FALSE; public $regex_results = array (...); public $criterias_results = array (...); public $fields = array (...); public $history_blacklist = array (...); public $auto_message_on_action = TRUE; public $no_form_page = FALSE; public $additional_fields_for_dictionnary = array (...); protected $fkfield = ''; protected $searchopt = FALSE; public $taborientation = 'vertical'; public $get_item_to_display_tab = TRUE; protected $usenotepadrights = FALSE; public $mailqueueonaction = FALSE; protected $type = -1; protected $displaylist = TRUE; public $showdebug = FALSE })) /var/webapps/glpi/ajax/viewsubitem.php:52 0.0314 8579704 3. CommonDBTM->check($ID = '71', $right = 1, $input = ???) /var/webapps/glpi/inc/rulecriteria.class.php:582 0.0320 8584904 4. CommonDBTM->can($ID = '71', $right = 1, $input = NULL) /var/webapps/glpi/inc/commondbtm.class.php:2431 0.0321 8585040 5. CommonDBChild::canView() /var/webapps/glpi/inc/commondbtm.class.php:2361 0.0321 8585176 6. CommonDBChild::canChild($method = 'canView') /var/webapps/glpi/inc/commondbchild.class.php:110 0.0321 8585432 7. CommonDBConnexity::canConnexity($method = 'canView', $item_right = 3, $itemtype = 'PluginFusioninventoryInventoryRuleImport', $items_id = 'rules_id') /var/webapps/glpi/inc/commondbchild.class.php:187
The same method for editing undre the business rules works fine.
With best regards,
Version 0.85
i thought fusion inventory still does not work in ver 0.85
Pages: 1