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#1 2013-04-29 21:11:24

Registered: 2013-04-29
Posts: 16

Creating ticket

Creating ticket

I need that when the user is creating a ticket, the type of ticket is the main form of help in sorting the tickets.

so that, when selected the type incident: the description field is populated automatically, ie the creation of a template for the type incident.

following this reasoning for all other types of existing tickets.

I need the files that change received ...

Sure your help ...

I'm waiting!


#2 2013-04-29 22:23:23

Registered: 2013-04-29
Posts: 16

Re: Creating ticket

at least let me know which file should be changed to add new fields when creating the ticket?


#3 2013-04-29 22:24:53

Registered: 2013-04-29
Posts: 16

Re: Creating ticket

please help me out


#4 2013-04-30 02:14:39

Registered: 2008-08-21
Posts: 83

Re: Creating ticket


I know you can do this by using the categories of ticket (table itilcategory) and the template of ticket.
When you select a category at the creation, a template is triggered (if exist).
You can add predefined fields in a template.

Sorry for my bad english...

Prod === Glpi : 10.0.10
Prod === PHP 8.1.2
Prod === Ubuntu 22.04


#5 2013-04-30 15:08:02

Registered: 2013-04-29
Posts: 16

Re: Creating ticket

That same jujunea, but I want to do this by choosing the ticket "type".

what I have to do?
where changing?
need to insert something in the bank? in the table?

where I'm going to insert, for example, the description under the "type" incident?
or where I insert a description in accordance with the application "type"?

all with a user profile "SELF-SERVICE" which is one of the profiles that come standard in glpi 0.83.7.

Personally, I just need to know where I can enter a description according to the type of ticket.

Thank you for your attention

I'm waiting

I'm that I apologize for my bad english


#6 2013-05-02 21:33:40

Registered: 2013-04-29
Posts: 16

Re: Creating ticket

Guys, does anyone know at least where to find this form, or know where to modify or add fields? ... Please need your help!

Les gars, personne ne sait au moins où trouver ce formulaire, ou savent où de modifier ou d'ajouter des champs? ... S'il vous plaît besoin de votre aide!


Last edited by glpi7 (2013-05-02 21:35:45)


#7 2015-10-16 15:12:10

Registered: 2015-10-15
Posts: 1

Re: Creating ticket

I need that when the user is creating a ticket, the type of ticket is the main form of help in sorting the tickets

dear glpi7,

the following may be a way to solve the issue.

as @jujunea suggested,

You may want to define some Ticket categories
Setup -> Dropdowns -> Ticket Categories

Add a category: category-1
add a category: category-2

Now enter the category-1 detail,
choose to make it visible only for incident,

And the category-2
let's make it visible only for request.

That way you have a criterium to match
the choose of a tile because it falls into the category you defined.

as an example then in the category field you could assign a user to that kind of issue.

Hope that helps!

~ d


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