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#1 2006-05-01 22:13:01

Registered: 2006-05-01
Posts: 9

Software Management

GLPI is great.
But I'm having some trouble figuring out the software management concept.
I used OCSng to scan and import our pc's. The installed software names came in ok once I assigned it all to "UNCHANGED" in OCSng.

When I use "Inventory/Computers" and select the "Software" tab in GLPI, some of them are flagged/shaded red.

This is an example url for the page:

I assume this red/shading is signalling some licensing problem. But I can't figure out how to resolve it.

I tried making new licenses, but I ended up with a bunch of licenses all assigned to one machine. It seems like you should be able to create a license and then assign computers to it, and raise the number of licenses as you buy more. But I can't figure this out and I can't figure out why some softwares show up green and only certain ones show up shaded red.

Oh yeah, GLPI v0.65 on Linux.
OCS is 4014 on a Windows machine.
All the Clients are Windows 2K/XP.

Last edited by cyberbillp (2006-05-01 22:14:00)


#2 2006-05-01 22:32:45

Registered: 2006-04-27
Posts: 30

Re: Software Management

I'm pretty new to GLPI + OCS, but from what I've seen thus far, an item shaded red was deleted but still has lingering references.  So, for instance, if you delete a piece of software it will still show up as installed on the computers it was installed on, but in red.  You have to delete them manually (I think, or that's what I've done).


#3 2006-05-01 22:52:20

Registered: 2006-05-01
Posts: 9

Re: Software Management

That would make sense I guess.

So I should hit "Uninstall" on the red ones?

I think what is happening has something to do with importing from OCS. Like maybe I deleted something in the past, and now OCS brings it back in on a sync. Maybe we need more control over the softwares that are shown as installed, or some ability to reinstall something shown as red?

I'm pretty new to this too, and am trying to figure out how I'm supposed to use this to manage systems and software.


#4 2006-05-02 11:04:11

From: Nanterre 92
Registered: 2005-11-02
Posts: 1,655

Re: Software Management

well in fact if ocs brings items back that's because these item ( software) are in your computer, so it is normal that you find them in glpi.
if you want ocs to forget software, use the dictionary

Plateforme :
OS : Windows 2003 Sp1 / logiciel de décompactage : Winzip / Navigateurs : Internet Explorer 6sp1 / firefox 1.5
Installation : Package Ocs NG RC3  - XAMPP version 1.5.1
Serveur  : Apache 2.0.55 / Base : 5.0.18-nt / Langage : PHP 5.1.1 / PhpMyAdmin 2.7.0-pl1


#5 2006-05-02 22:45:47

Registered: 2006-05-01
Posts: 9

Re: Software Management

I just found the "Restore" button. This seems to be fixing it for me.


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