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#1 2013-02-12 21:21:21

Registered: 2010-03-07
Posts: 47

Manufacturers Web Import Plugin - No longer require HP Product #

I have been using the Manufacturers Web Import Plugin for both HP and Dell for sometime, and the current version works well.  One issue I have with HP is the requirement to populate the Hp product # in the Supplier Imports field to get the warranty lookup to work. 

I did some testing and it appears that the current version of HP Warranty lookup no longer requires the product number?  I use the following URL: … kname=&sn=[SERIAL]&country=FR&lang=en&cc=us&find=Display+Warranty+Information+%BB&

The link goes correctly to the warranty site.  The plugin however processes the imports correctly (updates management section & attach html in document section] BUT the plugin status does not change to Already Imported.  So these devices still appear in the "Device not Imported" section.  If I add the product number after the import the status changes.

Can the Plugin be updated to not require Hp product # and update the Supplier Import Status correctly?

I also have a small number of devices that report "Problem during the importation" under status, but under Debug I don't see any errors.  How can I see why these errors?

GLPI 0.81.61
Suppliers Import 1.4.2
OCS Inventory 2.0.5
ubuntu Linux 12.04 server


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