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#1 2012-12-11 00:30:51

From: Peabody, Massachusetts US
Registered: 2008-05-29
Posts: 30

Attachments in public FAQ

If I click on the "Access to the Frequently Asked Questions" link on the login screen of GLPI, it takes me to the FAQ section as expected. If I click on an article that has an attached document and then click on the "Documents" tab, I can see that the attachment exists. However, if I click on the attachment, I get an "Access Denied" and "File not found" message.

The unauthenticated user does not have the rights to view the attachment.

How can I make it so unauthenticated users can open the attachments to publicly available KB articles?

This is with GLPI version 0.83.7.



#2 2012-12-11 17:39:04

From: Peabody, Massachusetts US
Registered: 2008-05-29
Posts: 30

Re: Attachments in public FAQ

Never mind. I reverted to my previous version of GLPI (0.78.1) and redid the upgrade to 0.83.7. It's now working as expected.


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