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My intentions are to help - I am not here to criticize.
./generate/custom.php.example file has some inconsistencies that were tricky for a novice like me.
In ./inc/order.class.php, a line may contain "... Html::clean ..."
In ./generate/custom.php.example, the corresponding line is written "... html_clean ..."
Also, there is a line in the order.class.php file that reads:
$odf->setVars('sender', Html::clean(getUserName(Session::getLoginUserID())),true,'UTF-8');
The corresponding line in custom.php reads:
$odf->setVars('sender', html_clean(getUserName(getLoginUserID())),true,'UTF-8');
I am unsure of the reasons for these differences, but in my case they prevent the generation of the report.
I have commented the whole file and I am uncommenting, line by line, in order to determine these issues.
Centos 6.8
PHP 5.6