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In order to be really able to work with both flat-files and GLPI configuration at the same time (see my previous bug report), both environments should have their own namespace for check commands.
By example, GLPI plugin Monitoring could prefix all the commands it installs with "glpi_": "check_ping" would become "glpi_check_ping".
This may also be an internal hidden process (ie. command name displayed is "check_ping", but the really registered command is "glpi_check_ping")
Is there any reason against that I'm not aware of?
It's possible to name with prefix glpi_
But you can use same commands like your flat commands file no?
You cannot use both Monitoring and Shinken flat files commands at the same time, because if there are duplicated names, Shinken will not start.
That's why I though that Monitoring should install commands prefixed by "glpi_" by default.
Yes I only use GLPI configuration
You are a reason to use both ?