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#1 2012-01-26 04:16:44

Registered: 2012-01-26
Posts: 1

Regular Expression formatting of fields

I am new to GLPI, but I am finding it to be a very valuable tool.  Our network is not currently terribly complex, so I am opting to input all data manually to ensure accuracy and help me learn the interface.

One question I had was in regard to MAC addresses -- I am a bit particular in how I keep up with everything, and I'd like my MAC addresses to be in lower case characters with colons separating each byte.  Is there a way to define a regular expression or format string to enforce this if I were to copy/paste a MAC with dashes, capitals, or any other characters in it?

I know when I enter an IP address there is a check done to make sure it is valid (4 numbers separated by dots), so hopefully there is something more general that can be applied to other fields.


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