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#1 2010-10-22 17:46:52

Registered: 2010-06-16
Posts: 303

Feature Request: Indication of Attachments

In 0.72.4, you could see when people sent attachments in their emails.  But now, in 0.78, there really isn't much indication at all.  I usually only use the followups tab. 

I'd like to see some indication that the ticket was imported with an attachment, but I really don't have any suggestions for how it'd be done. 

Maybe, when parsing the email, some text could be dropped into the final ticket's main passage saying, "Document attached: blahblahpicturedetails.png".

If this needs to be in another section of the forums, please don't hesitate to move it.  I never know where to put these.

Now using 0.78.1 on CentOS.


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