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#1 2007-02-20 20:38:33

Registered: 2006-11-16
Posts: 7

OCSNG import failure: Not recognizing new computers


Thanks to all for creating this software and to MoYo and all for answering previous questions.

I have a problem with OCSNG importing computers. I have had it working in the past however I reinstalled GLPI with a new database and upgraded OCSNG to the 1.0final and now it appears I either cant connect or GLPI is not recognizing new computers.

I am running GLPI 0.68.3 and OCSNG 1.0final. Both are running on the same LAMP install...  php 4.4.4 mysql 5.0.26

I am able to connect to the OCS databse:

OCSweb host     localhost
Name of the OCS database   ocs   
User of the OCSweb database     ocs
Password of the OCSweb user     *********

Using the above I get a successful connect message:

"Connection to OCS database successful
Valid OCS NG version"

I set my preference fields for imports then go to tools >OCSNG and run "Import new computers"

However I get this message:

"Not new machine to be imported"

There are currently 29 computers inventoried that I can see when I login to OCSreports.  None of them exist in GLPI. Any thoughts on this? A step I am missing? I have read the insulation manual for GLPI as well as the wiki,

Any other thoughts on this or suggestions for diagnostic?

Final question unrelated to my current problem:

What does "Number of computers to synchronize using the cron" control? Does it periodically update GLPI computers? At what intervel? IF it is set to '1' does it rotate through all computers eventually?

Thanks again.


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