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#1 2007-01-31 13:59:30

Registered: 2007-01-31
Posts: 1

Functionality of the Update section in Software


I´m testing glpi right now with one Computer. To now it looks good, very goog.

Just one thing keeps wondering me.

Under the Software form, you can say it is an update of a former known software. Thats fine so far.

Is this just an mark for the editor or handels it some kind of functionality, too (and if, how?).

In the case it is just a mark, then i would suggest the following additional function.

e.g. : I bought software test Version 1 with key 1 and now i buy Version 2 with key 2 (or no additional key). The Version 2 is marked as an update. Will it automatically lock an Version 1 license, when i install Version 2? (may be also install Version 1 on the computer)

As you know there exists software, where you can buy some kinds of addons (updates). This is to ensure, that nobody forgets to decrese the license of the Version 1, when installing Version 2.



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