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#1 2007-01-31 12:25:46

Registered: 2007-01-18
Posts: 8

Feature suggestion (not in french)


Since i don't understand french, i don't know if they have been suggested before...

- Human verification of inventory (as often done in an annual exercise).

Having a situation in mind where you have your Inventory stored in GLPI, each logical object assigned with an inventory number and each physical counterpart equipped with a sticker that shows the inventory number (possibly bar code).

There shall be a page in GLPI interface used for inventory verification. This page allows the entry of an inventory number (only). When a number is entered, the associated logical object in GLPI is tagged with the following information: Logged in user that entered the inventory number to verify (verified by), (current) time and date (verified at).
The same page is reopened after entry of the number.

That is, somebody walks around entering (or scanning) all the inventory numbers on objects he can find and by doing so, verifies that they still exist.

- A new report listing all logical objects that haven't been verified since x days.

As always, i know that not everything can get realized, but these would be my suggestions for things which i feel might also be of interest for most possible users of GLPI.

Thanks for your efforts in this project.

Last edited by ccsmart (2007-01-31 19:02:23)


#2 2007-02-12 14:50:05

Registered: 2007-01-18
Posts: 8

Re: Feature suggestion (not in french)

I would like to improve the suggestion a bit.

Once you eneterd the inventory number in the verification page in a first step, a summary information page on the related object shall be displayed and no verification stamp shall be given (yet). Once you click a verification button or enter the same inventory number again while the object is being displayed, this shall update the verification stamp. If instead a different inventory number is eneterd, the display is updated to that related object, and no update to the verification stamp is made.

Thus, you can enter the data via keyboard, entering the inventory number, verifying the data and clicking the verification button. Or you can work with barcodes and need not switch in between keyboard and barcode reader. That is you scan, verify the displayed data and rescan again to commit the data. If you scan a different code it means you did not call the data good and went to the next item.


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