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#1 2006-05-09 16:40:07

Registered: 2006-05-09
Posts: 9

Annoying feature of Glpi: synchronization requires running agents

I ran OCSlogon.exe (= another computer so it appeared in
Then I looked at and imported the new data.
I noticed that in the software list of that computer not all installed software was visible.
I remembered that I forgot in to move in menu dictionnary the new software items in category New to category Unchanged. So I moved it.

The annoying part is that Glpi doens't notice this and I can't synchronize it with OCS Inventory.

So I have to rerun OCSlogon.exe on that computer and then Glpi can synchronize.

It would be easier for me that everytime something changes in the categories New or Unchanged of OCS Inventory, Glpi notices this and allows
to synchronize. Now you can only update/synchronize if you have reran OCSlogon.exe.

OCSlogon.exe on Windows is fast but running on Linux that does ipdiscover takes a lot of time.

Maybe I ask too much?



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