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#1 2006-05-08 11:29:03

Registered: 2006-04-07
Posts: 59

User right's


I'm sorry to post this information here, but it seems I lost acceess to beta testers.

I'd like to request if possible and reasonable that internal devices would be considered at the same level as Computer, monitor and others it matter of adition and management.

For example if a person is responsable for receiving the computers to the company, and inserting them to the system, I don't find very sensable that same person, would have configuration rights in order to go, to configuration menu, and add there internal devices to "build" computer information, and after that insert the new computer on GLPI.

I think a person responsable for adding the computers, and editing it's component should be able to add internal devices, in order to create and correct computer information.

With this in mind, the next user right management would allow separation of Hardware components ( as a all ) permitions, from configuration components.

At this time a person able to add internal devices, has configuration ( GLPI ) right's which I thing is very wrong .. no ?


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