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#1 2024-07-25 14:02:36

Registered: 2013-08-08
Posts: 10

glpi-agent - [http client] can't uncompress content

I've migrated from FusionInventory after support was discontinued. I've installed GLPI-Inventory as a plugin, and have configured GLPI-agent on a desktop.
I can get to the local web interface of the agent, and if I click on the server name, it takes me to the GLPI-Inventory page, suggesting it has been configured correctly.
However, I don't get a connection to GLPI, and the log shows some weird messages.

I get:
[debug2] format: Zlib
[error] [http client] can't uncompress content starting with:
[error] No supported answer from server at https://server-name/glpi/plugins/glpiinventory/

I've uninstalled, re-installed, updated versions, disabled SSL checking, disabled compression, put in the SSL fingerprint, but all to no avail.

Can anyone help me understand this error message?


Running GLPI 10.0.15 on IIS Windows Server, HTTPS only, with valid, trusted certificate.
GLPI-Inventory 1.3.5 plugin installed and enabled.
Running GLPI-Agent GLPI-Agent-1.10 on Windows 10 device.


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