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I'm attempting to associate an existing document to a device. However, when I click on 'Associate an existing document' I get the 'You don't have permission to perform this action.' error. I am super-admin on the system.
The log tells me:
2024-04-08 13:16:23 [17@itdesk]
User ID: 17 tried to access or perform an action on /front/document_item.form.php with insufficient rights. Additional information: User failed a can* method check for right 4 (CREATE) on item Type: Document_Item ID: -1
Stack Trace:
/var/www/html/glpi/src/CommonDBTM.php:3054 displayRightError()
/var/www/html/glpi/front/document_item.form.php:49 check()
/var/www/html/glpi/public/index.php:82 require()