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#1 2024-02-15 18:36:02

Registered: 2023-11-14
Posts: 1

GLPI seems only looking up LDAP Groups in ou=group

It seems to me that GLPI only considers the range ou=group for groups. This also exists for us, but no users are assigned to the groups in it. We already have a dynamic posix group in our openldap for other use cases where we need to read out the users of a group.

If I use the search filter "(&(objectClass=posixGroup)(&(ou:dn:=dynPosixGroups))" with ldapsearch, I get the desired listing.
GLPI shows me nothing.

If I use the search filter "objectClass=posixGroup" with ldapsearch, I get a list of groups from the ou=group and ou=dynPosixGroups.
GLPI only shows me the groups from the ou=group.

In all the tests, the base DN is the root directory of our openldap to which the search for users is also applied.

What I know from other projects and have been looking for in GLPI is a separation of the BASE DN for users and groups so that you can assign the desired branch directly for the search without having to filter it in the search.

Or do I have the possibility to control this and just haven't found it?


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