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I deployed glpi agent with this powershell script, and I would like to enable the Netscan and NetDiscovery support option on the agent when it installs.
I have already tried to add things in the $setupOptions but each time the only way to activate this option was manually by going to the installed applications and using the modify option
$url = " msi"
$output = "$env:TEMP\GLPI-Agent-1.8-gitea453479-x64. msi"
# Check if Fusion Inventory is installed
$fusionInventoryPath = "C:\Program Files\FusionInventory-Agent\Uninstall. exe"
if (Test-Path $fusionInventoryPath) {
Write-Host "Fusion Inventory is installed. Uninstalling..."
Start-Process -FilePath $fusionInventoryPath -ArgumentList "/S" -Wait -NoNewWindow
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -OutFile $output
$installer = "msiexec. exe"
$setupOptions = "/quiet RUNNOW=1 SERVER='http://x.x.x. x/,http://x.x.x. x/marketplace/glpiinventory/'"
$installerArgs = "/qn /i $output $setupOptions"
Start-Process -FilePath $installer -ArgumentList $installerArgs -Wait -NoNewWindow
thx for help
Last edited by RoseT (2024-02-14 14:55:35)
Pages: 1