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#1 2024-02-07 14:23:17

Registered: 2022-06-09
Posts: 11

name of contract/certificate in the notification subject line

we have a lot of contracts. We have the rule, that 60 days before a contract ends (e.g. VMware vCenter Maintenance). So right now, we`re receiving a notification E-Mail with the subject "[GLPI] Contract Notification - End of Contract   Root Entity".

Is there a way, to bring the name of the contract in the subject line of each notification E-Mail, so I could see, which contract ends, without opening the notification E-Mail (e.g. "[GLPI] Contract Notification - End of Contract  VMware vCenter Maintenance Root Entity")?

The same with certificates. We have numerous certificates. Sometimes, 3 or 4 certificates expire in the same week. It would be great, if I could have the Notification mail in my Inbox as a reminder, without opening all the notification mails.

Thanks a lot!


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