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#1 2024-02-07 00:22:10

Registered: 2024-02-06
Posts: 2

Service requests with approval using form creator

The users in my org are constantly sending service requests to access shared folders and they are writing long standard tickets (without form creator).. the problem is that when they open a ticket then we have to search for the approver person and ask if they approve. When creating the form with form creator, I can see that I can enable validation and select user or group and when I add a target ticket I have seen that this ticket also has the possibility to enable validation.

So, let's say I create a form to give the user the possibility to request access for a shared folder, the idea is that when he clicks on send to the form, the request has to go to the approver , if possible with an email notification (how can I test this).

So at the end of the request is approved the ticked should be created for IT, and if not the requester should be notified.

My question is how to I have to set up the validations on tbe form and on the ticket, should it be enabled on.both?

How can I test that when the form is submitted, the approver receives a notification and that the ticket is not created until the form request has been approved?

Hope I made myself clear, Its just a standard approval workflow that I want to see if I can set it up.


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