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#1 2024-01-28 23:41:17

Registered: 2024-01-28
Posts: 1

GLPI structure - "Multiple" environment


I need some advises in order to set up a GLPI structure.

Here is the situation:
- I have multiple customers: Custo A, B, C...
- Our company has multiple divisions (with multiple technicians): Div A, B....

Here is a list of concrete cases:
- Customer A => only division A can see/create (read-write) tickets for this customer
- Customer B => division A can see/create tickets for this customer / division B can see/create (read-write) tickets for this customer and can see (read-only) division A tickets
- Customer C => only division C can see/create (read-write) tickets for this customer

How shoud I organize my structure (to avoid repetitive entities)?



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