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#1 2024-01-12 12:13:00

Registered: 2015-02-12
Posts: 4

E-Mail Notification Watcher Group

I am using GLPI 10.0.11 and have the problem that since 10.0.10 ticket notifications are only sent to one member of the watcher group. All other do not receive an email. It is the same person who gets an email.

Is there a BUG in GLPI?

What could I do to fix the problem?

I have already changed the ticket template, notifications, reveiver but no change.
My environment is such that in /var/lib /var/log and /etc are the folders.
In GLPI in /var/html/ only the unpacked glpi with the /inc/downstream.php file.

The problem is that the Watcher Group has 6 members and only one person receives an email from GLPI that a new ticket has arrived.


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