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#1 2023-07-11 11:24:52

Registered: 2020-02-27
Posts: 740

[GLPI 10.0.7] The observer cannot add a reply to the ticket


I have added a group as an observer. A member of this group can assign technicans. It can also add a solution which seems a bit strange to me. However, he cannot add a reply to the ticket.

I have checked the option in the settings for this profile: "BEEING IN CHARGE". For life cycles I marked all possible steps.

I'm not sure if it's logical for a observer to be able to answer - perhaps it's the concept that they don't. On the other hand, why there is the possibility of adding a solution?

GLPI 10.0.17
GLPI-Inventory 1.4.0
Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS


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