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#1 2023-06-12 08:09:34

Registered: 2021-10-14
Posts: 11

Notification of end of contracts / licenses by email

Hello everyone,
I have in my GLPI 10.0.7 licenses as well as contracts, I receive for the licenses 45 days before the end an email reminding me of the arrival at maturity (which is practical) and for the contracts I receive an email at prior notice
(generally 2 months in my config) and at maturity (so D-Day).

My concern is the following:
- For licenses: is it possible to have a notification by email at 45d (that's good it works), then 30d then 15d then 7d and below 7d a reminder every day until the end date is updated in GLPI (and therefore even when the license is expired)?
- For contracts: is it possible to have a notification by email on the date of the notice (that's good it works), then 30d, 15d, 7d and finally every day until the end date either updated in GLPI (and therefore even when the contract is expired)?

Thanks for your help


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