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#1 2023-01-31 16:28:44

Registered: 2022-08-08
Posts: 18

Followup Notification not working as expected


after a huge pain in the ass, i could finally set the system up that it is working. Somehow. Still we are struggling to set up the follow up notification properly. I refer to the same problem mentioned in Topic ID: 281641 (i am not allowed to post any links)

When a followup notification is made in the Ticket, both receiving a notification email. The creator and the technician. This doesnt make sense at all, why would i inform the creator about a followup that he made by himself in order to write something to the technician?

Why would i inform the technician about a followup that he made by himself in order to write something to the creator?? So in my eyes there is a huge lack in the system itself. Im confused that this issue is not mentioned by many other people too.... this creates a huge amount of mail traffic and also mail trash. On top, it confuses the creator, in our case a customer.

I am using the newest Version of GLPI (10.6), freshly installed 2 days ago. Is there any proper solution to this issue? I would like to archive that:

Notification made by Technician -> Mail to Customer
Notification made by Customer -> Mail to Technician

Basically like any other normal working Ticketsystem....



#2 2023-02-02 10:20:45

Registered: 2022-05-07
Posts: 58

Re: Followup Notification not working as expected

Regarding Technicians and their own followup email notifications; you can disable that by going to Setup > General > Default Values and look for option "Notifications for My Changes". Set this to "No".
Now every admin/technician will not receive their own responds when sending new replies to users.

As for users receiving their own replies; I asked the same question when I started using GLPI. And the answer I got was - If a user is using web interface to write followups, they will not receive their won reply. There is an option to enable/disable this but it only applies to web interface.
If a user is sending replies using email, they will always receive their own replies and so far there isn't option to disable this.


#3 2023-02-02 11:19:23

Registered: 2022-08-08
Posts: 18

Re: Followup Notification not working as expected

Hello oneill2john,

i already set the option "Notifications for my changes". Its not working. Its completely ridiclious that this is not an out-of-the-box function. GLPI looks good and has a lot of functions but half of the functions are not working properly. I see why many people complain about the system. Its not usable nor reliable. If you write something in support forum, mostly you wont have a qualified answer or not any at all. I gave GLPI a second try and it didn't hesitate to disappoint me again.

I personally will look for another system, because my time is too precious to waste it with this nonsense.

Thanks for your help anyways.



#4 2023-02-02 14:53:17

Registered: 2019-06-13
Posts: 226

Re: Followup Notification not working as expected

Every time is precious, but everthing need to be studied. Remeber that GLPI follow ITIL paradigms..

I use GLPI everyday (over 8k tickets in 2 years) and inventory.

Going back to your problem, Check
1) Is mail working correctly? (Do u receive test mail)
2) Every user has a working mail inside the users forms?

(I assume you are talking about email)
Setup -> notification : Enable followup -> yes
Setup -> notification : Enable followup via email -> yes

Setup -> notification : notifications.
Search for the pre-loaded events  (for example "Add followup")  and look if it's active.
Then look inside recipients who will receive it.

Personal Consideration. I disabled ALL prelocaded events, and create my own, following our internal rules.


#5 2023-02-02 16:16:15

Registered: 2022-08-08
Posts: 18

Re: Followup Notification not working as expected

Kaya84 wrote:

Every time is precious, but everthing need to be studied. Remeber that GLPI follow ITIL paradigms..

I use GLPI everyday (over 8k tickets in 2 years) and inventory.

Going back to your problem, Check
1) Is mail working correctly? (Do u receive test mail)
2) Every user has a working mail inside the users forms?

(I assume you are talking about email)
Setup -> notification : Enable followup -> yes
Setup -> notification : Enable followup via email -> yes

Setup -> notification : notifications.
Search for the pre-loaded events  (for example "Add followup")  and look if it's active.
Then look inside recipients who will receive it.

Personal Consideration. I disabled ALL prelocaded events, and create my own, following our internal rules.

Hi Kaya84,

my Mailserver settings for IMAP and SMTP are working. I was setting up a cronjob thats triggering cron.php. Import of mailbox and notification itself is working flawless so far.... it is the workflow that is not working as expected. Also i was going through all the different notification settings. The problem is in its core...

A customer (anonymous customer in GLPI terms) sends a mail to the ticketsystem. When i answer to that ticket within GLPI i receive a notification mail for making a notification. And also the other way around. If a customer writes a followup, they receive a mail for the comment they made. This does not make sense at all....

GLPI doesnt seperate between the requester interally and externally... and thats why everyone receiving notification for its own message.

EDIT: Notifications for my changes set to "NO" does not make any change at all.

Last edited by clu91 (2023-02-02 16:17:30)


#6 2023-02-02 17:15:47

Registered: 2019-06-13
Posts: 226

Re: Followup Notification not working as expected

OK, what u say is: why I have to receive an email, if the person who wrote it in the system was me?

Maybe you can ask for an enhancement. BTW, for me it's not a problem.. I receive one more mail to say that my ticket has registered a comment.. but it's IMHO


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