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GLPI Version 10.0.0
Hello All,
I have the email receiver working correctly on emails arriving at our IT_Support@ email, however, the ticket notification is going out with a sender adminsitrator@ and reply-to of donotreply@. This means when the user replies, it does not go to the IT_Support@ address to be picked up and added to the ticket. I have updated the settings under Setup>Notifications>Email Followups Configuration but even after rebooting the server the settings do not change. Here is what I currently have (Domain name removed)
Email notifications
Administrator email address = administrator@
Administrator Name = Administrator
Email sender address = IT_Support@
Email sender name = IT Support
Reply-To address = IT_Support@
Reply-To name = IT Support
No-Reply address = (Blank)
No-Reply name = (Blank)
Could these settings be failing to update somewhere or be held in a config file somewhere I can manually update?
Thank you in advanced,
Last edited by djoaquin33 (2022-12-20 01:21:06)
Hello All,
I figured out the problem to my issue. The settings for the original ticket creation from email is not in the Email Follow-ups Configuration as I thought. It is found in the "Entities" set up. Once I updated the Sender and Reply To address's there, the email notification of the new ticket did have the correct addresses.
Best regards,