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have GLPI 10 on Windows Server, IIS 10 and all PHP Extension.
Got this error message (php-error.log):
To filter with a CSS selector, install the CssSelector component
and and at the Assist Dashboard, I got a field with exclamation mark.
2022-05-21 06:31:48] glpiphplog.CRITICAL: *** Uncaught Exception LogicException: To filter with a CSS selector, install the CssSelector component ("composer require symfony/css-selector"). Or use filterXpath instead. in \vendor\symfony\dom-crawler\Crawler.php at line 1273
Backtrace :
vendor\symfony\dom-crawler\Crawler.php:785 Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler->createCssSelectorConverter()
src\Dashboard\Widget.php:1790 Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler->filter()
: Glpi\Dashboard\Widget::searchShowList()
src\Dashboard\Grid.php:976 call_user_func()
ajax\dashboard.php:137 Glpi\Dashboard\Grid->getCardHtml()
Have no expirience with that. Can anyone help me please, how to create css-selector or composer.json?
Thanks Mike