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GLPI 9.5.6 / Fusion Inventory 9.5+3.0
My netdiscovery tasks never work. They stay on going for a very long time in Fusion GUI.
In agent log, I says :
[Wed Jan 5 11:08:00 2022][debug] scanning block <startIP>-<endIP>
and nothing else.
The agent consumes a lot of CPU (50% to 100%) for a long time, even for a small IP range (20 IPs) without doing apparently anything.
SNMP net inventory tasks are working fine
Any idea ?
Last edited by fledorze (2022-01-10 17:25:12)
GLPI 10.0.6 with GLPI Inventory 1.1.0 on Debian bullseye
Can you change the debug parameter on your agent and try again? You'll probably be able to have more intel.
debug=2 (3 is for debug of SSL which is not activated yet) in agent.cfg gave extra info below.
But nothing which could explain the behavior
[Thu Jan 6 10:20:02 2022][info] running task NetDiscovery
[Thu Jan 6 10:20:02 2022][debug] [http client] Using Compress::Zlib for compression
[Thu Jan 6 10:20:02 2022][debug2] [http client] sending message:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
[Thu Jan 6 10:20:02 2022][debug2] format: Zlib
[Thu Jan 6 10:20:02 2022][debug2] [http client] receiving message:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
[Thu Jan 6 10:20:02 2022][debug] scanning block <startIP>-<endIP>
GLPI 10.0.6 with GLPI Inventory 1.1.0 on Debian bullseye
Bon. Pb réglé. Il y avait une erreur dans la plage IP qui était énorme du coup.
GLPI 10.0.6 with GLPI Inventory 1.1.0 on Debian bullseye
Just in case some english reader come here : Avoid using large IP adresses with fusion agent. Multiple /24 is fine, more can consume a lot of CPU.