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as there is now a native appliances and a native domain element in glpi95 i expected that migration of the plugin_domain data and the plugin_appliances would be handled also
perhaps i'm overly optimistic and that will be added later in a 9.5.x, thats ok with me.
appliances is not critical for me, domain data is essential though
some feedback on when import is planned would be appreciated
glpi 946, plugins webApplications , fusionInventory, domains, appliances, additional fields. (experimented with many other plugins over the years)
authentication with ActiveDirectory. Long term user of glpi from the 8.x versions. centos7/centos8; mariadb
I could transfert datas from plugin to core using these sql statements :
-appliances custom fields don't exists in glpi'core=> data are lost
-bookmarks are not updated
please backup database, and check on test instance before use
edit : add sql to manages more tabs
INSERT INTO glpi_appliances(id,entities_id,is_recursive,name,is_deleted,appliancetypes_id,comment,locations_id,manufacturers_id,applianceenvironments_id,users_id,users_id_tech,
groups_id,groups_id_tech,relationtype,date_mod,states_id,externalidentifier,serial,otherserial) select id,entities_id,is_recursive,name,is_deleted,plugin_appliances_appliancetypes_id,comment,locations_id,0,plugin_appliances_environments_id,users_id,users_id_tech,
groups_id,groups_id_tech,relationtype,date_mod,states_id,externalid,serial,otherserial FROM glpi_plugin_appliances_appliances WHERE 1=1;
INSERT INTO glpi_appliancerelations(id,appliances_items_id,relations_id) select id,plugin_appliances_appliances_items_id,relations_id from glpi_plugin_appliances_relations wHERE 1=1;
insert into glpi_appliances_items (id,appliances_id,items_id,itemtype) SELECT id, plugin_appliances_appliances_id,items_id,itemtype FROM glpi_plugin_appliances_appliances_items WHERE 1=1;
INSERT INTO glpi_appliancetypes(id,entities_id,is_recursive,name,comment,externalidentifier) SELECT id,entities_id,is_recursive,name,comment,externalid FROM glpi_plugin_appliances_appliancetypes WHERE 1=1;
INSERT INTO glpi_applianceenvironments (id,name,comment) SELECT id,name,comment FROM glpi_plugin_appliances_environments WHERE 1=1;
update glpi_items_tickets set itemtype='Appliance' where itemtype='PluginAppliancesAppliance';
update glpi_items_problems set itemtype='Appliance' where itemtype='PluginAppliancesAppliance';
update glpi_items_projects set itemtype='Appliance' where itemtype='PluginAppliancesAppliance';
update glpi_profiles set helpdesk_item_type=replace(helpdesk_item_type,'PluginAppliancesAppliance','Appliance') where 1=1;
update glpi_infocoms set itemtype='Appliance' where itemtype='pluginAppliancesappliance';
update glpi_logs set itemtype='Appliance' where itemtype='pluginAppliancesappliance';
update glpi_documents_items set itemtype='Appliance' where itemtype='pluginAppliancesappliance';
update glpi_contracts_items set itemtype='Appliance' where itemtype='pluginAppliancesappliance';
update glpi_knowbaseitems_items set itemtype='Appliance' where itemtype='pluginAppliancesappliance';
Trouver la panne avant de réparer...
GLPI10.0.16 (ubuntu 22.04 PHP8.1 Mariadb10.6 ) plugins : comportements 2.7.3 reports 1.16.0 formcreator 2.13.9, datainjection 2.13.5 fields 1.21.9
Offline … ins-plugin
Domains in GLPI have evolved from a simple dropdown to a more complex object, including records management among others. Therefore, the Domains plugins feature are now included in core.
To migrate your plugin data; use the glpi:migration:domains_plugin_to_core command. Presence of the plugin is mandatory so checks can be run, you can use the --without-plugin switch but this is not recommended. If you were using an older version of the plugin than the one required, you can use the --update-plugin flag.
At the end, all domains types, domains and item relations will be migrated in core tables.
Trouver la panne avant de réparer...
GLPI10.0.16 (ubuntu 22.04 PHP8.1 Mariadb10.6 ) plugins : comportements 2.7.3 reports 1.16.0 formcreator 2.13.9, datainjection 2.13.5 fields 1.21.9
That is very helpful, i managed to execute the domain migration: all ok now. i will do the appliances later
a possible hint on the update screen after installation of the new code could be helpfull for those who have the domain plugin (or the domain data if like me you restore from a production backup into a fresh installed staging machine)
my first impressions on 9.5: excellent improvements, thanks
glpi 946, plugins webApplications , fusionInventory, domains, appliances, additional fields. (experimented with many other plugins over the years)
authentication with ActiveDirectory. Long term user of glpi from the 8.x versions. centos7/centos8; mariadb
appliances migrated , thanks
migrating timestamps also worked ok
all to do now is wait for web-applications plugin to be migrated to 9.5 then i can switch production
glpi 946, plugins webApplications , fusionInventory, domains, appliances, additional fields. (experimented with many other plugins over the years)
authentication with ActiveDirectory. Long term user of glpi from the 8.x versions. centos7/centos8; mariadb
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