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#1 2020-07-08 14:33:43

Registered: 2013-10-18
Posts: 5

Network Discovery and Network Inventory SNMP not works for me.

Hi everyone,

I have installed a server with GLPI 9.4.6 + FusionInventory 9.4+2.4 over UBUNTU Server 20.04 and
FusionInventory-Agent 2.5 on computers and It works well, I can see the assets Computers.

Now I need discover the Network Devices (Routers, Switches, Printers,...) by SNMP.

I have installed the FusionInventory-Agent on the Server and I have configured FusionInventory Network Discovery following this process: … overy.html

I think that all is configured fine but don't work.

If I check the tasks in the Agent it show me the next:

glpi@glpi:~$ sudo fusioninventory-agent --list-tasks
Available tasks :
Inventory (v1.9)
WMI (v0.3)
Maintenance (v1.1)
NetInventory (v4.1)
WakeOnLan (v2.2)
NetDiscovery (v4.1)

server target:
Planned tasks:
- Inventory (v1.9)
- NetDiscovery (v4.1)
- NetInventory (v4.1)

scheduler target: scheduler0
No planned task

If I look into Networking > Network Inventory Status It does not show any task.

The FusionInventory-Agent Service is running correctly:

glpi@glpi:~$ sudo systemctl status fusioninventory-agent.service
[sudo] password for glpi:
● fusioninventory-agent.service - FusionInventory agent
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/fusioninventory-agent.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Wed 2020-07-08 11:27:43 CEST; 3h 2min ago
       Docs: man:fusioninventory-agent
   Main PID: 82622 (fusioninventory)
      Tasks: 1 (limit: 2282)
     Memory: 106.7M
     CGroup: /system.slice/fusioninventory-agent.service
             └─82622 fusioninventory-agent: waiting

Jul 08 14:29:02 glpi fusioninventory-agent[82622]: sending prolog request to server0
Jul 08 14:29:02 glpi fusioninventory-agent[82622]: [info] sending prolog request to server0
Jul 08 14:29:02 glpi fusioninventory-agent[91727]: running task Inventory
Jul 08 14:29:02 glpi fusioninventory-agent[91727]: [info] running task Inventory
Jul 08 14:29:02 glpi fusioninventory-agent[91727]: [info] New inventory from glpi-2020-07-06-13-22-59 for server0
Jul 08 14:29:02 glpi fusioninventory-agent[91727]: New inventory from glpi-2020-07-06-13-22-59 for server0
Jul 08 14:29:26 glpi fusioninventory-agent[91800]: running task NetDiscovery
Jul 08 14:29:26 glpi fusioninventory-agent[91800]: [info] running task NetDiscovery
Jul 08 14:29:37 glpi fusioninventory-agent[91800]: Scalars leaked: -1
Jul 08 14:29:38 glpi fusioninventory-agent[91800]: Scalars leaked: 1

What I can be doing wrong?

Do I need define a rule or something to works Network Discovery and Network Inventory SNMP?



Last edited by ramses.sevilla (2020-07-08 14:38:15)


#2 2020-07-19 18:15:45

Registered: 2020-02-27
Posts: 740

Re: Network Discovery and Network Inventory SNMP not works for me.

You need to set task. First - discovery to find devices. When you will find it - you can inventory by SMTP.

1. Administration > Fusioninventory > Networking > SNMP credentials > plus to add your SNMP settings (ex. for your switches).
2. Administration > Fusioninventory > Networking > IP Ranges > plus to add your IP ranges where you have ex. switches. When you will add this range you have to open it and on "Associated SNMP credentials" tab - add SNMP setting from point 1.
3. Administration > Fusioninventory > Tasks > Task Management > plus to add task (discovery). At the "jobs configuration" tab of this task - set targets (IP range from point 2) and actors (ex. agent installed at the computer).
4. Go to https://computerIP:agent_port and click Force inventory.
5. Administration > Fusioninventory > Networking > Discovery status > check results.

Last edited by WebGreg (2020-07-19 18:27:38)

GLPI 10.0.17
GLPI-Inventory 1.4.0
Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS


#3 2022-01-14 17:22:32

Registered: 2021-03-16
Posts: 10

Re: Network Discovery and Network Inventory SNMP not works for me.

Hello I am also having troubles to set up the network inventory via SNMP. Following the steps you mention:

1: I just assigned SNMP v3 credentials for read-only - should be enough, to import network printers?
2: I have added the two IP ranges of interest, to which I assigned the SNMP v3 credentials from step 1
3: I have added a discovery task and added the IP ranges from step 2 as targets, my PC agent as actor
4: I click force Inventory, runs fine
5: But Nothing shows up under Discovery status, no devices imported

Do you have a guess what I might be doing wrong?

Strangely, under computer's network names tab -> "HomeSetup Dropdowns Network names" I see the warning: IP networks - "IP network is not included in the database. However, you can see current available networks"
but nothing happens when I assign one of my IP networks. Is this a bug?

Any help appreciated.

Best Regards


#4 2022-01-14 22:27:57

Registered: 2020-02-27
Posts: 740

Re: Network Discovery and Network Inventory SNMP not works for me.

Personally, I couldn't get HP printers to work with SNMP version 3 wink With lower version... hard to say with my poor English. It would be easier with the screenshots.

Did you check the DiscoveryTask status?: plugins/fusioninventory/front/statediscovery.php  (Devices not imported?    Devices linked?    Devices imported?)
If you have "Finished tasks" than you should check: plugins/fusioninventory/front/ignoredimportdevice.php

You cannot import devices via SNMP. This task is for inventory. But first you have to discovery devices.
Therefore, you need to create 2 tasks - the first for discovering (and adding devices to the database) and the second - SNMP inventory.

Maybe try SNMP v1 / v2 and 1 or 2 printers first? If this works, you will know if it is a problem with the SNMP version or the job configuration.

Last edited by WebGreg (2022-01-14 22:33:13)

GLPI 10.0.17
GLPI-Inventory 1.4.0
Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS


#5 2023-03-27 20:41:30

Registered: 2023-03-22
Posts: 7

Re: Network Discovery and Network Inventory SNMP not works for me.

Hi everyone

I've the same problem with SNMPv2
I've a server Linux (kali) with IP where I installed GLPI 10.0.6 and GLPI agent 14.1.
I linked the server Linux with a Cisco router (IP: ).
I would like to add Cisco router in GLPI inventory and populate the inventory with SNMPv2. I can't install the GLPI agent in the Cisco router.

The comunication between server and Cisco router work. I ping Cisco router from server Linux and SNMP work correctly, I tested it with snmwalk.

(root㉿kali)-[~]# ping  
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=9.59 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=12.5 ms
--- ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1001ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 9.589/11.053/12.518/1.464 ms

(root㉿kali)-[~]# snmpwalk -v 2c -c public  
iso. = STRING: "Cisco IOS Software, 7200 Software (C7200-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Version 12.4(24)T5, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc3)
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2011 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Fri 04-Mar-11 06:49 by prod_rel_team"
iso. = OID: iso.
iso. = Timeticks: (233637) 0:38:56.37

I used the plugin "GLPI Inventory" for this goal and I created the two tasks, but didn't work
I tried with FusionInventory but nothig is changed.

The two tasks are:

1) Create first task for discover the network devices

In Administration -> GLPI Inventory -> IP Ranges
I created IP range with name "network" ( - and associated it with SNMP credentials ( v2, community: public )

In Administration -> GLPI Inventory -> Task management
I created task "Discover" and in "Job configuration" I associated Object "network" and actors GLPI agent 14.1, then I activated this task in "task managment" and I clicked on "Force start"

2) Create second task for SNMP:

In Administration -> GLPI Inventory -> Task management
I created task "SNMP" and in "Job configuration" I associated Object "network" and actors GLPI agent 14.1
I activated this task in "task managment" and I clicked on "Force start"

Finally I went to htp:// and I clicked on Force Inventory

In  Administration -> GLPI Inventory -> GLPI Inventory I see only the one device, the server Linux but the Cisco router no.
I activated the agent in  Administration -> GLPI Inventory -> General setup -> Agents modules

(root㉿kali)-[~]# ls -l /var/www/html/glpi/plugins/
total 8
drwxrwxrwx 15 root root 4096 Feb 13 13:29 fusioninventory
drwxrwxr-x 15 root root 4096 Jan 24 08:04 glpiinventory

(root㉿kali)-[~]# systemctl status glpi-agent.service
● glpi-agent.service - GLPI agent
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/glpi-agent.service; enabled; preset: disabled)
     Active: active (running) since Mon 2023-03-27 13:01:30 EDT; 21min ago
       Docs: man:glpi-agent
   Main PID: 736 (glpi-agent: wai)
      Tasks: 1 (limit: 4552)
     Memory: 73.3M
        CPU: 806ms
     CGroup: /system.slice/glpi-agent.service
             └─736 "glpi-agent: waiting"

Mar 27 13:01:30 kali systemd[1]: Started glpi-agent.service - GLPI agent.
Mar 27 13:01:31 kali glpi-agent[736]: [info] GLPI Agent starting
Mar 27 13:01:31 kali glpi-agent[736]: [info] [http server] HTTPD service started on port 62354
Mar 27 13:01:31 kali glpi-agent[736]: [info] target server0: next run: Mon Mar 27 13:34:11 2023 -

what is the problem?

Thanks for your support


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