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#1 2011-02-15 14:37:44

Registered: 2011-02-11
Posts: 3

Question about source

Hi guys,

I'm new to php programming

I'm a trainee, work in a court, and we want use GLPI...

but i have one problem

when i'm on the screen HOME of post-only users, screen of tickets, i ask for the browser to see source of the page

and say that the source is in  on glpi/front/helpdesk.public.php...

but when i get this file, the source is totally different

i want this source, actually, i want know where it is, what file....

<body><div id='header'><div id='c_logo' ><a href="/glpi/front/helpdesk.public.php" accesskey="0" title="Home"><span class='invisible'>Logo</span></a></div><div id='c_preference' ><ul><li id='deconnexion'><a href="/glpi/logout.php"  title="Sair">Sair</a>&nbsp;(jose maria)</li>
<li><a href='' target='_blank' title='Help'> Help</a></li><li><a href="/glpi/front/preference.php" title="Preferences" >Preferences</a></li>
</ul><div class='sep'></div></div><div id='c_recherche'><div class='sep'></div></div><div id='c_menu'><ul id='menu'><li id='menu1' ><a href="/glpi/front/helpdesk.public.php"


#2 2011-02-16 07:20:16

Registered: 2010-08-23
Posts: 101

Re: Question about source

I would be very leery at changing the code. First there is the complexity that you encountered; functions calling functions calling other functions and the whole mess on files all over the place. There is reason to the apparent madness but if you don't get it, you should not change it. That function that you are tweaking for your post-only users could (most likely will) affect other pages down the road, and you probably won't find out until much later. Overlap a few changes and may God have mercy on your soul when it comes to sort out the mess, because people here will not be able to help you.

Modifying the code at the level you are suggesting also means that you have effectively locked yourself into the current version you are using; upgrading has the potential of undoing all your custom code.

If I were on your situation I would impress upon my employer/customer the foolhardiness of tweaking the code this way. What seems like a small change could have horrible implications down the road. Focus instead on what can be done within the existing framework (customizable pull downs, the language files, profiles, and permissions).  Bottom line is; you don’t want them to get stuck with unsupportable software once you are gone.

Still, if you still want to do it, what you are looking for is the commonHeader function, located under ./inc/display.function.php. That should be enough rope to get you going wink


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