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#1 2010-12-13 19:11:30

Registered: 2010-03-04
Posts: 19

Send out Alertnotclosed more frequently when higher priority?


I wonder if there is any possibility to modify the "AlertNotClosed" to send out Alerts for tickets with higher priority on a more regular basis?

For example:
I have a ticket with a High Priority and i would like to send a notification to the assigned technician after two days if ticket is not closed.
But i would also like a ticket with Low Priority to send out a notification to the assigned technician after two weeks if ticket is not closed.

I could create rules for this by creating som Notifcation Rules alltough and adding High Priority tickets to certain groups alltough there is no possibilty to have several AlertNotClosed.

So to sum it up,
1. is it possible have shorter intervalls on the e-mail alerts on tickets with high priority?
2. If no, is it possible to add more AlertNotClosed Automatic Actions?, I got some experience with linux and php but cant seem to find where from the cron is started.

Thanks for a great product!

Using: GLPI 0.78.1 on Ubuntu 9.10


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