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1. It would be nice to have a second follow up info screen - the text only shows up in the log/screen and not in the mail message to users
this is usefull for handing-over/assigning a call to a specialist - user is normally not interested in technical details.
2. Possibility to assign a due-date to a call based on the priority - example:
Very High to be solved within 2 hours
High 4 hours
Medium 8 hours
Low 16 hours
Very low - no time limt
if the call is overdue a color change is applied (same way as priority)
3. Possiblity to edit follow up text
Last edited by Eric Hofland (2006-02-16 14:22:01)
Windows 2003 - IIS6 PHP 5.2.5 Mysql 5.0.51
IE8 & Fiefox 4.0
GLPI 0.72.3
1) It's done in the cvs version call 0.65. You could post private followup.
2) Why not
3) already done in the CVS
JMD / Jean-Mathieu Doléans - - Association Indepnet
Apportez votre pierre au projet GLPI : Soutenir
1) and 3) Perfect !
2) Why not - what do you mean ?? not possible ??
Windows 2003 - IIS6 PHP 5.2.5 Mysql 5.0.51
IE8 & Fiefox 4.0
GLPI 0.72.3
More suggestions (although the current version 0.65 is almost perfect...)
The Helpdesk.php:
1. When a user logs in display a list of his/her open tickets
2. Give the user the possiblilty to update his personal data (mailadres,tel nr, location)
Windows 2003 - IIS6 PHP 5.2.5 Mysql 5.0.51
IE8 & Fiefox 4.0
GLPI 0.72.3
Pages: 1