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#1 2010-02-09 23:34:40

Registered: 2009-10-21
Posts: 34

Receivers and Entities


I love the receiver functionality of GLPI. I think it is great. However, there is something I don't completely agree with. It seems that currently for a ticket created via a receiver the ticket is created under the receiver's entity. (correct me if I am wrong - I'm running GLPI 0.72.3)

For what is worth, I would like to suggest (for future versions) that the entity of a ticket created via a receiver be determined first by the author's entity (first match if user belong to multiple entities) and then if that cannot be determined by the receiver's entity.

Creating the ticket on the user's entity (derived from the "from" in the incoming email) will make the life of the GLPI admin simpler as I imagined it would typically require less receivers to be configured by the GLPI admin (well, that's what I think from my short experience with GLPI).

Here is what I wanted to do that prompted me to enter this suggestion: Some of my users know my email address and email me directly as opposed to open a ticket. I would like to drop their emails in one of my Inbox folders and have GLPI monitor that folder so that a ticket gets created when I drop an email there. That way it would be really easy for me to create a ticket from an email. I can do it right now, but the problem is that I have multiple entities, so I would need multiple folders and multiple receivers to accomplish what I want. But if the resulting ticket entity would be determined by the user's entity first, then I will need only one folder, one receiver.


Glpi: 10.0.1


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