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I see that all forum is in french, sorry for I dont know zour language,
I run onto a problem using mz country charset iso-8859-2,
when I write my special chars they are stored as some other chars.
Can enyone help me how to solve this
I don't understand the problem... because we do not do some restriction in GLPI on the charset system. The problem may come from the configuration of your web server or your mysql server which use a specific charset.
We specify only a charset for the HTML pages... But it may be the problem. Could you try to modify this in the glpi/common/functions.php ? There are 3 lines with this :
echo "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 \" >";
Try to correct it and put iso-8859-2...
If the problem come from here we will include the choice of the used charset in the next versions.
MoYo - Julien Dombre - Association INDEPNET
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Pages: 1