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I just wanted to know from the computers view, is there a way to export an excel file where it prints each host and which software is installed on each?
Thank you
From computer list, make a search with adding a global search (white +) based on software with criteria name contains ^
You will have all software with a name installed on each computer.
After you export in csv file in landscape or portrait
CentOS 6.5 - CentOS 7.x
PHP 5.6 - PHP 7.x - MySQL 5.6 - MariaDB 10.2 + APC + oOPcache
GLPI from 0.72 to dev version
Perfect thank you,
I am not sure if you can help me with another issue. I am importing the tables from GLPI on PowerBi using the MYSQL option. Again, I cannot connect the computers with all the software. It says its supposed to be linked by ID, but when I try to link the computers table with the software table using ID, it only matches them 1 by 1 and gives me the entire list of software, instead of listing all the software for each computer.
Thank you in advance.
From computer list, make a search with adding a global search (white +) based on software with criteria name contains ^
You will have all software with a name installed on each computer.
After you export in csv file in landscape or portrait
I put another filter too.
global search (white +) based on software with categorry is application.
Pages: 1