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Hello everyone,
I am currently on an internship in a company, which gave me the goal of updating the IT manager.
Version on production server:
- Windows server 2003 + xampp
- GLPI: 0.87
- OCS:
Test server:
- Windows server 2012 + xampp
- GLPI: 9.1.3
- OCS: 2.1.2
I am at the phase where I would like to export all GLPI data. (BDD + file "glpi" saved).
I realized a dump of the base of GLPI, via the maintenance tab but also directly via PhpMyAdmin.
I exported the GLPI 0.87 database to my test server in a test database.
After comparing the 0.87 database dump and a 9.1.3 database dump, I realize that there is a big difference, whether it's the tables, or the data types.
My company wants to go on a new server (2003 -> 2012) and therefore not to perform the update on the production server.
My question is what methodology to use to implement GLPI 9.1.3 with all GLPI 0.87 data?
Should we go through an earlier version to get to version 9.1.3?
Is there a plugin to have a compatible database?
Should you install a GLPI 0.87 server, import the database, and then update to version 9.1.3 or earlier?
I am open to any idea, I am not an expert GLPI smile
Thank you for taking the time to read me and answer me if you have the quick fix!
Good day
Last edited by ShaunJ (2018-11-22 17:44:48)
First 0.87 doesn't exist.
In your test server you must install the same version as your production for the database.
You create a glpi directory where you put new version 9.1.3
You let GLPI do its migration.
Be careful: if you used data of production, deactivate all notification and automatic actions to avoid your users received notifications about your test environment
CentOS 6.5 - CentOS 7.x
PHP 5.6 - PHP 7.x - MySQL 5.6 - MariaDB 10.2 + APC + oOPcache
GLPI from 0.72 to dev version
Pages: 1