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Hi all,
Just trying to setup some plugins(IP Adressing 1.6, Certificates 1.4) and when I go to Setup/Plugins, get this:
"Merci de vous placer sur l'entit� racine (voir tous)" ... don't speak french, tried web translation, and got: "Thank you to move to the root entity (see all)". Not sure what it means or what to do.
You got this message because your current entity is not the "root" entity.
Juste select the "root entity" first.
Dév. Fedora 29 - PHP 5.6/7.0/7.1/7.2/7.3/7.4 - MariaDB 10.3 - GLPI master
Certifié ITILv3 - RPM pour Fedora, RHEL et CentOS sur
Thanks, that helps, I had to re-do my setup because I renamed Root entity.