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1st Type of Configuration
I configured my GLPI installation to lookup for users and it worked fine. I have a node "organization unit", called people, and I put users as "inetOrgPerson" inside of this node.
2nd Type of Configuration:
Now I want to use the same database to authenticate users from another application, so I created a object from class groupOfNames (I named ""glpi users"") and inserted the users in member attribute(). This is the problem (I think)! Now I dont know how to create a ldap_search that results a list of attributes (members attribute) instead of a list of nodes.
Has someone any idea?
One solution that I've been tested is create the "glpi users' as a "organizational Unit' and put the users as "alias" the reference to users in "peoples' node. This solution works fine, but I prefer 'glpi users' as a 'groupOfNames'. Do you agree that this is the most clean solution?
Thanks for the opinions!
Felipe Cavalcante
I don't understand why you use class groupOfName to represent a user.
why not to only use inetOrgPerson as users, and groupOfNames as representing profiles for the user ?
Hi wawa,
I am using inetOrgPerson as users and in the groupOfNames I only put de the users' dn (in the member attribute).
I thought to do this way because soon I will have at least two groupOfNames (one per app):
"glpi users" and "dotproject users".
sorry for my poor english!