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Let me first commend the developers. The interface rocks going by the version history of this application. Which means it might become one of the bests when fully matured.
I downloaded and installed the application without any hassle, then I went into the operating theater with it but it fails badly.
1. I downloaded a plug in with the hope of modifying it to do what I wanted to do. I renamed all key elements glphi did not recognize it.
2. I added some stuffs to th edatabase under computer without any problems but when I clicked on the list, the ID was empty - Very disappoint because then I cannot edit the content.
3. I went ahead to delete that entry to no avail. Call it a weird behaviour! I removed the whole stuff from my system only to decide to give it another chance.
If you experienced this same problem and able to resolved it please help.
before anwsering your questions we first need informations :
os ?, version of glpi ? version of ocs ? etc.
wawa that was fast wahao! Thanks a lot. It is the latest version of glpi, no ocs installed and application deployed on a shared server hosted here in Norway. The purpose is not to have an inventory of PCS and other peripherals but use it as an inventory for electronic components. which means the needs to slightly modify the database, the table and the query
And that is the end of the problem? Hope my kind of problem should be of interest. But I can understand no one is paid to answer any question. Thanks anyway.
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