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We are happy novices in GLPI, congratulations to all contributors!
Thus one maybe stupid question: is there any possibility to extend some screens with new fields (e.g. in tickets we would need some info about shippment: order no, delivery identification, article/part number etc). We see the potential of this ticketing system also for the services outside IT support!
Other parametrisation would be also fine, e.g. we need link to services (similar to SW in computers inventory) for printers: here in hospital we are printing findings from laboratory system on network printers and want to know that this service is available on specific devices. Is it somehow possible?
Tny ia.
You'll have to create a plugin.
Dév. Fedora 29 - PHP 5.6/7.0/7.1/7.2/7.3/7.4 - MariaDB 10.3 - GLPI master
Certifié ITILv3 - RPM pour Fedora, RHEL et CentOS sur
Merci, c'etait une nouvelle bonne/mauvaise! :-)
Bad news: I have to find some expert who will do it, and this all takes time, maybe we are reinventing the wheel!
Good news: its doable!
Even better news: maybe there is someone who already made plugin for this, because this is not an unusual request. Can you give me some hint, how do I get in contact with him/her?
Btw: adding fields gives spectacular flexibility to the system, which will attract more users in this community! Why then GLPI itself doesn't include such feature in GLPI ?
Pages: 1