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I have the following code levels on a new install
CentOS 5.2
GLPI 0.71.2
Mysql 5.0.45
I installed GLPI and ran it for the first time. During the inital setup it created all the tables in the database. I corrected permission problems and increased PHP.ini memory to 32M. When I try to access it by web browser it says all test results perfect! but at the bottom of the page it says "Your database version isn't compatible with the version of the code installed. An update is needed." It has an update button but the button is not active. Should I be using a lower version of MYSQL? Can I modify one of the startup pages to get by this?
Thank you
You must restart a clean install, it seems that there as already a db on your server, so
1) delete in /config/ the config-db.php files if it exist
2) remove the database you want to use or create another
JMD / Jean-Mathieu Doléans - - Association Indepnet
Apportez votre pierre au projet GLPI : Soutenir
Thank you JMD for your response. It was a clean install on a newly installed physical server (not a virtual server). Turns out the problem was with IE. I used Firefox and the update button was active. When I pressed it the login screen appeared. I then tried IE again and the login screen appeared. Seems to be a browser problem. The version of IE was 6.0.2900.2180.xpsp_sp2_gdr.070227-2254
The OS on the PC is Windows XP Sp2
Thank you