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Hello community,
I am using GLPI 0.70.2 and it is very good and quite stable. Great tool. I could solve some minor problems by myself or using this forum. But now I have a real weird problem I do not understand.
We need to know when a carepack or the warranty ends. So define a computer and set the date of purchase to 10-08-2005 and the duration to 36 months. The calculated expiration date is 10-08-2008. Everything if fine. But why did I get the notification yesterday with 9 days delay? The same effect with contracts.
Is there a kind of chron job that I can configure to run once a day? Someone with the same probs?
I nearly forgot to mention that the time on the linux server is correct. Otherwise it would be too easy.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance
As it mentionned in the documention, GLPI use a pseudo cron to realize task. This pseudo cron could function only if there is some activity on GLPI (users that use GLPI).
If you are not sure that some users use GLPI each days, you need to use a real cron task to call the cron file of GLPI.
Make a search in the forum for that.
JMD / Jean-Mathieu Doléans - - Association Indepnet
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