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Pages: 1
Is there a way to add custom fields to the templates? For example, when i add a new computer to the inventory, I'd like to be able to specify the rack and shelf numbers. I did not find an obvious way to do that, except for creating a new dropdown called rack1, then creating a child dropdown shelf1, and so on... Is this the only way to do it? Such approach is too labor intensive as I have three datacenter with 30 racks in each...
Is there a way to add custom fields to the templates? For example, when i add a new computer to the inventory, I'd like to be able to specify the rack and shelf numbers. I did not find an obvious way to do that, except for creating a new dropdown called rack1, then creating a child dropdown shelf1, and so on... Is this the only way to do it? Such approach is too labor intensive as I have three datacenter with 30 racks in each...
I agree with prelius, it would be useful to have that option.
There is no way actually to add new fields. you need to developp plugin for that for example.
JMD / Jean-Mathieu Doléans - - Association Indepnet
Apportez votre pierre au projet GLPI : Soutenir
I setup the Location attribute to handle this -
Location>Country>SiteName(City or Datacenter)>Rack#(1-#)
OS:Fedora 7
OCS ver: 4100
Server: Apache 2.2.6 Mysql:5.0.45-1 PHP:5.2.4-1
How did you get this work? Thanks.
I setup the Location attribute to handle this -
Location>Country>SiteName(City or Datacenter)>Rack#(1-#)
Pages: 1