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I am getting an error when trying to import mail using a receiver.
018-03-08 14:25:49 [11@xxx]
*** MySQL query error:
INTO `glpi_tickets` (`date`,`content`,`name`,`urgency`,`requesttypes_id`,`entities_id`,`status`,`impact`,`priority`,`users_id_lastupdater`,`users_id_recipient`,`itilcategories_id`,`global_validation`,`type`,`date_creation`,`date_mod`) VALUES ('2018-03-08 14:25:18','won'tfix\','test','3','2','3','1','3','3','11','11','0','1','1','2018-03-08 14:25:48','2018-03-08 14:25:48')
Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'tfix\n\n-- \n\' at line 2
Backtrace :
inc/commondbtm.class.php:928 CommonDBTM->addToDB()
inc/mailcollector.class.php:596 CommonDBTM->add()
front/mailcollector.form.php:81 MailCollector->collect()
It seems to be caused by the use of ' in the email text. I have reproduced it with three separate emails. GLPI version 9.2.1 and 9.2.2 are affected.
Many thanks.
It seems enabling 'Use rich text for helpdesk' fixes this issue.
Pages: 1