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Je rencontre un problème avec le Plugin PDF pour imprimer des Tickets et avoir le traitement du ticket et les saisies "Privé".
Sur le PDF, il y a rien du traitement privé du ticket.
(GLPI 9.2 + Plugin PDF 1.3)
Je suis le seul à avoir ce problème ?
Last edited by Ncam84 (2018-01-22 16:41:11)
Je ne comprends pas votre demande.
Dans le paramétrage des impression PDF pour un ticket vous avez l'option Privé qui sert pour les parties ayant ce paramètre (tâches et suivis).
Si vous avez le droit de voir ces parties priovées dans votre profil et que l'option est cochée, l'impression sera ajoutée
CentOS 6.5 - CentOS 7.x
PHP 5.6 - PHP 7.x - MySQL 5.6 - MariaDB 10.2 + APC + oOPcache
GLPI from 0.72 to dev version
I think I have the same problem, with the latest version of the PDF plugin (1.3 for glpi 9.2).
When you select the "Private" box, no more "Followups" is displayed in the PDF whether it is public or private (I have super-admin profile with all rights).
I have 2 SQL errors generated.
*** MySQL query error:
SQL: SELECT * FROM `glpi_ticketfollowups` WHERE `tickets_id` = 1 AND () ORDER BY `date` DESC
Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') ORDER BY `date` DESC' at line 1
Backtrace :
inc/dbmysql.class.php:542 DBmysqlIterator->__construct()
plugins/pdf/inc/ticketfollowup.class.php:67 DBmysql->request()
plugins/pdf/inc/ticket.class.php:486 PluginPdfTicketFollowup::pdfForTicket()
plugins/pdf/inc/common.class.php:348 PluginPdfTicket::displayTabContentForPDF()
plugins/pdf/front/export.php:74 PluginPdfCommon->generatePDF()
*** MySQL query error:
SQL: SELECT * FROM `glpi_tickettasks` WHERE `tickets_id` = 1 AND () ORDER BY `date` DESC
Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') ORDER BY `date` DESC' at line 1
Backtrace :
inc/dbmysql.class.php:542 DBmysqlIterator->__construct()
plugins/pdf/inc/tickettask.class.php:68 DBmysql->request()
plugins/pdf/inc/ticket.class.php:487 PluginPdfTicketTask::pdfForTicket()
plugins/pdf/inc/common.class.php:348 PluginPdfTicket::displayTabContentForPDF()
plugins/pdf/front/export.php:74 PluginPdfCommon->generatePDF()
Pages: 1