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Thank you for inventing this great application, BTW, I am using GLPI Version 0.90.3, and unfortunately the timezone was not displaying correct time.
date.timezone Asia/Jakarta Asia/Jakarta
-. Set the timezone in Setup > General setup ..... I try to use this suggestion from forum but unfortunatly in my general setup still not change timezone setup.
still showing incorrect time)
Perhaps anyone can help me how to change my timezone into +7 (Jakarta time) ?
I had this problem too. Found this as solution:
In httpd.conf (\xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf) , add the following line:
# Set timezone to Europe/Berlin
SetEnv TZ Europe/Berlin
Edit php.ini (\xampp\php\php.ini) date.timezone value in [Date] section:
date.timezone = "Europe/Berlin"
mysql in my.ini (\xampp\mysql\bin\my.ini) add or replace
default-time-zone = "Europe/Berlin"
Now restart Apache HTTP and MySQL server and you are done!
Of course you have to use: Asia/Jakarta
Debian 11.7 - PHP 7.4.33 - MariaDB 10.5.19 - 10.0.8-dev